Memories, iPodultrasound, Shrimphepatitisice, 4...
4:Margins=aluminum(fat cholesterol), Iron Oxalate(70%of Kidney stones are so...), Calcium Milk from Adrenal gland to lung lymph muscle gland, Parasite down nose mouth open esophagus windpipe into left lung...
3:Shrimp poop shoot cleaned onto counter into ice cube tray makes ice with poop, shrimp drowned so liver of poop drowned in water heavy on liver makes liver filled with hepatitis exaggeration...
2:Duck(duct) tape pink taped earphones both to outside of left lung tissue, mini iPod playing music=ultrasound breaks up frozen ice Hydrogen...
1:Freon in air-conditioning units dumped in winter so noone will see, in my lung now Freon like Fluorine...
0:Wild Indigo Root herb is Bismuth like Indium metal, Silicon is like Salt Sodium Chloride is like sand is like glass, Fire is Oxygen simplistically...
Using memories grabs at Aluminum(Lung Lymph muscle 'n glands)
Using stress event grabs at Iron(Thymus blood red n' white)
Using momentary grabs at Lead(Thyroid bone n' Marrow)
Cryogenic ie: freezing the thing, inject ice Fr freon swallow brush teeth toothpaste fluoridated or water natural from Winnipeg
Aluminum, Hydrogen, Calcium, Iron-no wrong order...
A lump is: Calcium, Iron, Aluminum, Hydrogen in this order from outside to middle...
Depends on what you are eating...
So to dissolve lump you need:
Iodine, Manganese, Titanium, Oxygen in this order from outside to middle...
A cancerous lump is made of...
in Canada...
So the body parts involved are:
Adrenal Gland (Milk)
Lungs & Lymphs (Muscle & Tissue)
& the “Cure” is:
in this order...
Ultrasound is varying levels of waves of sound...Each level hits a different note...Copper is snake...Oxygen is higher up the Grove body part chart like bird...Zinc is more human, higher up on the list, the chart, our chart...
Cocaine is airborne at strip clubs...Reduces Phosphorus mould mold levels in cocaine, crack pipe, hookah pipe water toilet pipe water hash, cigarette with coca at tip burnt...
Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
This quote above is copied & pasted from the linked source, & was found at daily as a Bible gadget
Hard stones or hard areas anywhere in the body might follow the order mentioned in the Cancer category of lump...Treatment might be in the same order...Start from the outside of the lump or stone & work your way in...GroveCanada 2014 June 11